Animal Biologics Science is a required course for the students of Biologic Technology.
互联网Variety communication skills is a required course for designers.
互联网Change always the life required course, being changed into maturity is an elective course.
变老是人生的必修课, 变成熟是选修课.
——期刊摘选Chinese Newspaper Reading is a basic required course for Chinese - as - a - second - language overseas students who major in Chinese.
中文报刊阅读课是为母语 非 汉语的汉语言专业的留学生开设的学科基础必修课.
互联网Frustration education should be arranged as a required course for all children.
互联网Medical statistics is a required course as well as a research tool for medical graduate student.
互联网Medical statistics is a required course for graduate students at medical colleges and universities.
互联网Learn to appreciate the failures - life in a required course!
学会欣赏失败 — 是人生中的一堂必修课!
互联网After every day completes business, plays one hour basketball, has become the life required course.
每天做完生意后打一小时篮球, 成了生活必修课.
互联网Child psychology is a required course in teacher training.
互联网This course is a basic required course for non - native students majoring in Chinese.
本课程为母语 非 汉语的汉语言专业的学生开设的一门基础必修课程.
互联网Nowadays public relations should be taught as a required course, along with English, physics and mathematics.
当今的公共关系应该像英语 、 体育和数学那样被当作一门课程来教学.
互联网In Colleges of Engineering, the Higher Mathematics has become the required course.
在高等工科院校, 高等数学已成为学生的必修课程.
互联网Your biography is almost required course.
互联网It is a required course for medical students.
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